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Hi Everybody.

My name's David Johnston, and I run a Personal Training service called Express Train.

Background: I worked in the Care Sector for 12 years with young adults that had varying degrees of deafness, blindess, or a combination of the two. Most also had some degree of Autism, epilepsy and challenging behaviour. While it was a very rewarding and satisfying job, it also came with it's share of pressure and stress. After 12 years, I decided it was time for a change - for some Me time!

To cut a long story short, I re-trained for a job in the Fitness industry.

I still have this tendency to teach, to train, to want to help others. Now I'm using the communication skills I learnt in the Care Sector, and putting them to good use as a Personal Trainer, helping people to modify their behaviours to make their life a healthier, fitter, and most importantly happier place to be.

Mission Statement: To me the essence of, not just, Personal Training, but any kind of training, is a personal connection. The ability to listen to, understand, and tailor solutions to personal goals should be the core skill of a Personal Trainer, and shouldn't be lost in huge impersonal classes.

Quality not quantity should be the watchword.

Like many other trainers, I could go for the 15-20 person classes, hand out generic fitness programmes, sell you ineffective supplements, rake in loads of money, and retire to the Bahamas on a luxury yacht.

But, you'll be glad to know, I hope, that I'm not like that!

That would be a hollow experience for me.

While I don't mind making a few bob, and having a comfortable lifestyle, a life of ease and leisure holds no attraction for me. Believe it or not I find my greatest happiness in satisfaction of a job well done!

If I can come home at night knowing that I've helped improve someone's life, making them a wee bit fitter, healthier, or happier, then I feel satisfied that I've done my job right.

We've all taken classes, where at least one person looks lost, unsure, or embarrassed because they don’t know the routine. It still astounds me that not only do people still attend classes like that, but that they are still run like that. Little or no explanation is given, you’re supposed to know all the exercises, or all the moves, and if you do find yourself becoming mixed up, confused, or awkward. Most of the time there is no-one to point out where you are going wrong, correct you, or even make you feel as if you belong.

For me Personal Training is all about the One-to-One experience. You should feel welcome, comfortable, and at ease. There should be clear, and concise, explanations and demonstrations of every exercise that you undertake, and uncritical corrections backed up with encouraging motivation. Even in Boot Camps, or Circuit Training Classes, I like to keep the numbers small, so that I can keep an eye on everyone and give help and motivation when needed.

For me Personal Training is about helping people attain their dream goal. Whether that goal is weight loss, muscle gain, running a 10k or a marathon, progressing strength, speed, power, or endurance, looking great for that special occasion, or simply improving health and fitness. I believe that Personal Training should encourage and motivate each individual to attain their specific goal, with an awareness and understanding of that individual’s limits. I won’t try to push you too far too fast, although I will push you. I want you to be so comfortable with the technique, form and style of each exercise, so that it will be second nature to you, and you can then concentrate on increasing weight, repetition or speed.

I want you to feel welcome, comfortable, and at ease.

But most of all, I want you to attain your own, personal goal!

I'm on a journey to try and make as many people as possible healthier, fitter and happier, why not come along for the ride.

Thanks for listening.


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