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From P6 to Adult. From Schools to Universities. Small groups to whole classes. Why not learn a fantastic sport that instills a sense of discipline, dedication, application, concentration and respect. Life skills that can be transferred to social and work situations. Plus you get fit, and it's fun!
I can teach Non-Contact Boxing, or even Sparring, in Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Community Centres.
From 10 Years Old to Adult.
I can provide Boxing Gloves and Sparring Pads (but if you wish to bring your own personal equipment, that's fine).
Usually run in 10 Week Blocks - First block Introduction To Boxing, Second Block - Advanced Skills, but can be tailored to your needs.
Basically, you provide the premises, I'll provide the Coaching.

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“I just wanted to write to say how much my Primary 7 class have enjoyed the programme of boxing lessons. At Camstradden we are lucky to receive a wide range of sporting opportunities, but the children have responded particularly well to the boxing. As their teacher I have seen them applying the skills gained during the sessions to other situations in school, in both sporting and non-sporting environments. I feel the children have benefited from the wide range of skills the programme promotes, and believe these are skills that will be transferable across the curriculum.

We particularly appreciate the commitment and enthusiasm of the two coaches, David and Mark, who made every session enjoyable and fun for the children. The children were delighted to get the opportunity to be assessed formally and I could see how much this meant to them through their preparation for the assessment and by their application and enthusiasm on the day.

Kind regards.”

Nicola Gordon (P7 teacher, Camstradden Primary).

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