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There are an almost infinite number of ways to train the body to do something. But at the end of the day Functionality is King!

The only way to become a great Boxer is by Boxing!

Of course there many additional methods that will emphasise the three basic building blocks of the sport: Power, Speed, and Endurance.

Bodyweight Training is essential: Utilising the natural strength, speed, and agility of the body.

Bag & Pad work: Using technique, Power, and Speed.

Shadowboxing: Increasing Speed, and refining technique.

Swimming, Skipping, Running, Sprinting, Circuit Training, HIIT, and Tabata Training are all integral to how the Boxer trains throughtout the season to ready themselves for Fights. But, these highly effective training methods can be used for recreational Boxers as well, to help find one's natural weight and maintain it over time.


Clydeview Boxing Club is now closed, but I still operate out of the old premises at  Overnewton Street Community Centre, 2 Overnewton Square, Glasgow, G3 8RW.

Current Classes:

Mondays 6-7pm: Ladies Only Boxing Class.

Wednesdays 6-7pm: Boxer-Size Class.

Fridays 6-7pm: Mixed Boxing Class (Male & Female).

Saturdays 10-11am: Boxer-Size Class.

All Classes cost £4.50.

I can also provide Boxing coaching on a one-to-one basis, or buddy sessions, or small group classes. This would be on a Personal Training level, and include Fitness Training as well as technical coaching. Plus, I can provide general Personal Training, not specific to Boxing.


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It may seem contradictory, but a Boxer also needs endurance to not only sustain them trough the three minute round, but the stamina to last the whole Bout.

In Amateur Boxing this is only Three Rounds,but in Professional Boxing a Bout can last 12 Rounds.

If you've ever tried sustained punching or sparring for even three minutes, you'll understand the need for the Boxer to cultivate high endurance capabilities.



Fast of hand and fleet of foot is the essence of the Boxer. All the technique and knowledge in the world won't save you if you're not faster than the other guy.

Shadow Boxing, Bagwork, Plyometrics, and even underwater work will all help increase your speed.


Of course first you must master technique!



Don't confuse Power with Strength. Of course Strength is an essential base to build from, but Power is a combination of Strength, Speed,and Balance.

Working out to gain a Bodybuilder physique of huge muscles, will only slow you down and restrict your movement. Boxing training will give you a naturally lean, toned body, that will maximise your natural strength to gain optimal Power!

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